Day of Calmness & Serenity for Youths

Day of Calmness & Serenity for Youths

Training in mindfulness and awareness makes our minds sharper, calmer, and more reflective.

On Saturday 11 May, 104 participants joined the one-day meditation retreat conducted by Nalanda founder Bro. Tan and Nalanda Institute Director Achariya Tan Siang Chye.  The aim of the retreat is to introduce young adults to regular practice of meditation in order to free their minds from clutter.

Anxiety and stress are often caused by thinking too much, impatience, foolishness, greed, and having unfounded fears.  To overcome them, our minds can be trained through meditation to be calm, relaxed and reflective; we can then distant ourselves from proliferation of thoughts.  Bro. Tan also touched on the benefits of cultivating Mettā, which helps us overcome latent anger.

Participants had a joyful day of learning and understanding the benefits of meditation.

The youthful participants sharing their experience in observing the process of eating.

Participants actively asked good questions to clarify their understanding of meditation.

Participants giving thanks before meal to those who prepared and generously offered the food.

We truly rejoice in the keen interest of the youths to learn meditation.

We invite all participants of the ‘Meditation Day’ back for a reunion at Nalanda Centre on 5 June from 4.00pm to 10.00pm.  Let us revisit our learning and practice of meditation with good friends!