Delightful day of discovery

Delightful day of discovery

Nalandian youths had a good start to 2017 with a delightful day of discovery.

Nalanda Youth Centre had a good start to 2017 with a delightful day of discovery.

Nalanda Youth Centre began the New Year with a joyous ‘Day of Discovery’ on Sunday, 8 January.  After an introduction to Nalanda by host Bro. Jie Sheng, the youths participated in a series of games which allowed everyone to bond and get to know one another better.

Having ‘broken the ice’ with much warmth and laughter, the youths then delved into the topic of the day.  In groups, the youths open-heartedly shared about their New Year aspirations with their friends.  The atmosphere was uplifting as the youths each expressed his or her wholesome goals for happiness in 2017.

Bro. Jie Sheng introducing everybody to Nalanda Youth Centre.

Host Bro. Jie Sheng introducing everybody to Nalanda Youth Centre and its noble mission.


After sharing their own views on ‘happiness’, everyone turned to Anana Sutta, where the Buddha taught about the happiness of gaining income with Right Livelihood, the use of righteous wealth, freedom from debt, and the joy of blamelessness.

It was indeed a wonderful day as the youths got to discover what constitutes true happiness. Once again, we joyfully welcome our new friends to Nalanda Youth Centre.  Stay with us for many more amazing spiritual discoveries!


Youth Sunday Service

Nalanda Youth Centre hosts Dhamma gatherings every Sunday from 9am to 12pm with meditation, personal sharings, and opportunities for self discovery and improvement.  We warmly welcome young adults between 18 and 29 to join our weekly gatherings in Sri Serdang. See you at Nalanda!