Developing Mental Strength

Developing Mental Strength

Sis. Tan Yee Yong giving the talk on "Developing Mental Strength" in times of sickness.

Report by Ruby Tan

On Sunday 19 October, Sis. Tan Yee Yong gave an interesting talk on strengthening the state of our minds in times of sickness.  Understanding the impermanent nature of life – where birth is inevitably followed by ageing, illness and death – one prepares mentally and spiritually to face changing circumstances before sickness or any misfortune takes place.

The body and mind are inter-related, yet they are each distinct.  Thus, no matter what happens to the body, the cultivated mind can remain calm and peaceful.  Sis. Yee Yong mentioned some steps that will help us live ‘in harmony’ with sickness, and in dealing with pain.  The steps involved are: to recognize (the sickness or pain), acknowledge (the current state), accept it, endure, and ultimately ‘detaching’ from the pain.

Sis. Tan Yee Yong shared that the body may be unwell, but the mind can remain 'healthy'.

Those who are healthy should also comfort the sick by applying the ‘Four Brahma Vihāra’, i.e. Mettā (loving-kindness), Karunā (compassion), Muditā (altruistic joy), and Upekkhā (equanimity) with an open heart and positive thoughts.  We thank Sis. Yee Yong for the informative and beneficial sharing with devotees – sadhu anumodana!

Devotee, Sis. Alice sharing her experience on caring for her parents when they were sick.