From 13 to 16 September, over 100 participants and volunteers gathered for the seventh edition of the Dhamma-living Camp for Young Adults at Wisdom Park. Over this long holiday weekend, the youths immersed themselves in discovering how Peace begins with oneself through Dhamma talks, experiential learning, Dhamma chats and a forum.
Peace is cultivated by training the mind to let go of attachments and reduce the defilements of greed, hatred, and delusion. This peace which arises within is independent of external conditions. The youths also learned to cultivate self-acceptance, emotional awareness, and mental resilience. By embracing our emotions without judgment, cultivating our minds when conditions are conducive, and being compassionate when we stumble, we can safeguard our peace of mind and become reliable pillars for ourselves and others.
DAY 1 – Bro. Dexel encouraging participants to disconnect from their phones and connect with the people around.
DAY 1 – After a whole day of high spirits, the first day of Camp concluded peacefully with communal chanting and meditation.
Through this short but participative programme, the youths developed strong camaraderie and fellowship amongst one another through service to each other and to Mother Nature. The landscaping ‘heart-work’ connected them with nature; as one endures the physical elements, the experience also builds resilience in the mind and soothes habitual complaints.
We rejoice in the marvellous spirit of the young adults, who came together as individuals and completed the programme as a congregation united by the Buddha’s teachings. Our thanks go out to the monastic and lay Dhamma speakers, the Organising Team, facilitators and volunteers for your extensive efforts to make this Camp an unforgettable experience for all. Sadhu anumodana!
DAY 3 – Cultivating peace and serenity at the start of the day with meditation and chanting outdoors in nature.
DAY 3 – Participants were fortunate to learn from Ven. Dr. Chandima on the 4 Clingings and how to let go of them.
DAY 3 – The final night concluded with a lighting-up ceremony featuring an elaborate “Library of Memories” and a sing-along of “True Colours”.
Token of appreciations to volunteers who supported the Camp in the kitchen, logistics, housekeeping and horticultural activities.
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