‘Dhamma Day’ at Nalanda

‘Dhamma Day’ at Nalanda

Nalanda Buddhist Society celebrates 'Dhamma Day' on Sunday, 13 July 2014 (Buddhist Era 2558).

‘Dhamma Day’ commemorates the preaching of Buddha’s first discourse after His Enlightenment – the ‘Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta’ –  where He taught His initial disciples the fundamental teachings of ‘Four Noble Truths’.  We welcome you to join us at Nalanda Centre at 9.00 am on Sunday 13 July, for a joyful and spiritual Morning Service with meditation, chanting, and a special Dhamma teaching by Nalanda Founder Bro. H S Tan.

Ven. B. Siriwimala Thero will lead the congregation in reciting the famous ‘Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta’ – the Discourse on ‘Turning the Wheel of Dhamma’. Thereafter, we will have the opportunity to offer lunch dāna to venerable monks as they begin their annual ‘Rains Retreat’ (‘Vassana’).  Luncheon will be served to all devotees after the Service at noon.

Come participate in this wholesome programme and deepen our understanding on the Buddha’s wondrous teachings!  May all beings be well and peaceful, and be free from suffering.