Dhamma Retreat in Kedah

Dhamma Retreat in Kedah

Group photograph of the participants.

Group photograph of the participants.

On Saturday 31 October, Bro. Tan conducted a Dhamma Learning retreat at Gurun Buddhist Association, organised by the Nalanda Sungai Petani Branch.  In the one-day retreat attended by 72 participants, Bro. Tan gave insightful teachings about Citta (the mind) and Dhamma (the Way).  Bro.Tan said that when we understand Citta, we will understand how we operate as human beings.  Then, knowing the Dhamma will prevent us from doing wrong and motivate us to do what is right.

Bro Tan also explained the eight causes and conditions for Wisdom which are fundamental to the spiritual life. He reminded the participants that, “We do not do things because they are easy to do; we do them because they (e.g. mental cultivation and meditation) are important, even if they are difficult to do.”  Besides Dhamma teaching, the programme included meditation, chanting, and group discussions.  The participants were grateful to Bro. Tan for conducting the retreat and for the invaluable lessons they had learned.  Sadhu anumodana.

Bro. Tan conducting the one-day Dhamma retreat.

Bro. Tan conducting the one-day Dhamma retreat.

The Dhamma sessions were dynamic with plenty of interaction between participants.

The Dhamma sessions were dynamic with plenty of interaction between participants.

Participants were eager to ask questions and learn more.

Participants were eager to ask questions and learn more.

Offering to the Three Jewels.

Offering to the Three Jewels.

Work behind the scenes to get the hall ready for the retreat.

Work behind the scenes to get the hall ready for the retreat.