Dhamma School facilitator training

Dhamma School facilitator training

Facilitators and trainee-facilitators after completing their first training session in 2017.

Facilitators and trainee-facilitators after the completion of their first training session in 2017.

On Thursday 9 February, Nalanda Dhamma School had its first training session in 2017 for facilitators from Sri Serdang and Kuala Lumpur.  The training was conducted by School Director, Sis. Sunanda.

Facilitators were reminded to perform more than just facilitating learning and coaching students during School sessions.  They should also act as counsellors and Dhamma-mittā (spiritual friends) to their students, sharing with them the necessary knowledge, skills, values and culture as practising Buddhists.

Sis. Sunanda conducted the most part of the training.

Director of Nalanda Dhamma School Sis. Sunanda conducted most of the training.


Throughout the day, facilitators had discussions to explore ways to improve the effectiveness of School programmes.  Besides that, they also enjoyed light-hearted moments with creative games.  We thank Sis. Sunanda for her time and effort to conduct this fruitful training session for facilitators.  Sadhu anumodana.

Sis. Hui Shien leading a discussion with facilitators.

Sis. Hui Shien leading a discussion with facilitators.