Dhamma School facilitators’ retreat

Dhamma School facilitators’ retreat

The facilitators visited the tin-mining museum for some local history.

The facilitators visited the Tin-mining Museum in Kampar to get to know the local history.

On 7 November, facilitators from Nalanda Dhamma School (NDS) gathered at Mangala Lodge, Kampar, to enjoy a well-deserved four-day break from their daily routine, away from the bustle of city life.  The annual retreat was fun yet educational, and a time to review the School’s progress as well as chart its course for next year.  Facilitators from Kelantan, who were members of the Dhammarakkhitta group, also joined their Nalanda counterparts at the retreat.

There was a wide spectrum of activities, such as team-building games, hiking, visits to places of interest, and training sessions to remind the facilitators of the high standards they are expected to uphold.  Team spirit among the participants was high as they shared their experiences and exchanged ideas and techniques on what had worked well for them, and how they could improve on this year’s performance.

Hiking up Dragon's Path, a local nature trail, for some exercise.

Hiking up Dragon’s Path, a local nature trail, for some exercise.

NDS Director Sis. Sunanda conducted the training sessions and stressed that the ability to listen attentively and speak well are vital for an effective facilitator.

Although Kampar is a small town compared with Kuala Lumpur, it has rich history and was a booming tin-mining town in its heyday, so a visit to the Kinta Tin Mining Museum was a must-do for the facilitators.  Today, Kampar is better known as a “college town”, ever since Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) set up its main campus there a few years ago.  The facilitators also dropped by the university which had received several accolades for its architecture and they were pleased to meet up with its Buddhist Society youths there.

Many hands make light work for participants  preparing for their barbecue-cum-steamboat dinner.

Many hands make light work for participants preparing for their barbecue dinner.

At the end of the retreat, the facilitators were fully energised and committed to serve and contribute towards Buddhist education for another exciting year.

A scenic spot in UTAR not to be missed.

A scenic spot in UTAR for a lovely group photograph.

The facilitators spent an eventful retreat at Mangala Lodge.

The facilitators spent an eventful retreat at Mangala Lodge.