Dhamma School teachers connect and enthused at National Camp

Dhamma School teachers connect and enthused at National Camp

Dhamma teachers have a big heart for their students, whom they teach and care without seeking anything in return.

From 28 to 31 March, over 100 teachers and volunteers from communities across Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand, immersed themselves in joyful learning and service at the 2nd National Camp for Dhamma School Teachers.  Co-organised by Nalanda Buddhist Society and Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia, this gathering of like-minded teachers explored “Education of the Heart”, a holistic approach to spiritual and personal development that encompasses not just intellectual understanding, but also the cultivation of virtues and qualities that lead to the transformation of the heart.

With the guidance of experienced Dhamma School teachers, participants delved into qualities, competencies and approaches which create a conducive learning environment and plan effective programmes.  Finding commonalities in their motivations and challenges, the teachers formed bond of friendship with the aim of supporting each other as a larger Dhamma community.

Ven. Saranankara Maha Thero, Spiritual Advisor of Nalanda, shared his advice on how teachers can better connect with their students.

Acariya Tan Siang Chye, Director of Nalanda Institute giving a sharing after the morning meditation and chanting.

Dhamma teachers happily become students to learn and develop themselves for the benefit of their selfless work.

Bro. Tong Siong Yeow welcomed participants as the Camp Master.

Bro. Tong introduced the Camp Committee and facilitators.

Bro. Lee Kok Cheng. Deputy President of TBCM shared his rejoice for the attendance of so many teachers from 22 Dhamma Schools.

This miracle of education is the only miracle which the Buddha approved of, and it is in this milieu that Dhamma School teachers endeavour to relay the Dhamma to generations of adolescents so that they develop the values and skills to live a meaningful life.  Let us all rejoice in their commitment and even aim to take a step further to extend our support in any way possible so that the Buddhasasana may long endure.

Achariya Vijaya led and coached the teachers in Dhamma through Drama and storytelling.

Dhamma through Drama and Music was led by the multi-talented producer, director and artist, Bro. Yang Wei Han.

Bro. Lim Ajit, Nalanda Youth leader ran the elective on Dhamma through multimedia.

We extend our appreciation to the mentors for their kind guidance and coaching.

There was also a second forum to hear the thoughts and feedback from Nalanda Dhamma School teenagers and juniors.

Teachers sharing from the heart on the final night of the Camp.

Sharing and transference of merits upon completion of the Camp.

Thank you to all volunteers for your kind care and service during the 4 days.

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