Dhamma talk by Ajahn Kalyāno

Dhamma talk by Ajahn Kalyāno

Paying respect to Sangha members.

The congregation paying respect to the Sangha members before the commencement of Dhamma teachings by Ajahn Kalyāno.

On Tuesday 13 December, Ajahn Kalyāno, who is the abbot of Buddha Bodhivana Monastery in Melbourne, Australia, was invited to give a Dhamma teaching in conjunction with the full-moon Uposatha Day.

Ajahn Kalyāno firstly spoke about having the right approach towards the Dhamma, using the simile of a map.  It is good if we were able to read and understand the map, but ultimately to get to our destination, we have to follow the map and move accordingly.  Similarly, it is good that we learn and think about the Dhamma, but only through cultivation can we reach liberation.


Recollecting the late Ajahn Chah’s advice, Ajahn Kalyāno urged devotees to spend a larger portion of their time looking within rather than looking at others.  This is because the arising of liberating insight into reality comes from within, not without.  Furthermore, in order to look into ourselves, the mind needs to be clear and still.  Therefore, for the mind to be clear, we should take steps to keep it free from defilements.

Bro. Tan thanking Ajahn for his kind visit and uplifting talk.

Nalanda founder Bro. Tan thanking Ajahn for his kind visit and uplifting talk.

Ajahn meeting with young Nalandians and encouraging everyone to practise Dhamma.

Ajahn meeting with young Nalandians and encouraging everyone to practise Dhamma.

Finally, Ajahn Kalyāno emphasised the importance of Right Effort and developing patient endurance.  He compared Dhamma cultivation to the care of parents for their baby, which needs a great amount of patience, love and discipline, among other things.

The venerables were brought on a tour of Nalanda Centre.

Before the Dhamma talk, the venerables were brought on a tour of Nalanda Centre and the Library by host-officer Bro. Tong (right).

Bro. Tan briefing Ajahn Kalyāno and Ven. Kovido about the Wisdom Park project.

Bro. Tan briefing Ajahn Kalyāno and Ven. Kovido about the Wisdom Park project.

We thank Ajahn Kalyāno for his encouraging visit to Nalanda Centre, as well as for his enlightening Dhamma teaching.  Nalandians took the opportunity to extend him an open invitation to come back any time.

Nalandians bidding farewell to Ajahn Kalyāno and Ven. Kovido.

Nalandians bidding farewell to Ajahn Kalyāno and Ven. Kovido. Sadhu!