Dhamma talk by Ajahn Kalyano

Dhamma talk by Ajahn Kalyano

Nalanda was honoured to welcome Ajahn Kalyano back to Nalanda Centre for a Dhamma teaching.

On Friday 14 December 2018, Nalandians were honoured to welcome Ajahn Kalyano back to Nalanda Centre for a Dhamma talk.  Ajahn’s last visit to Nalanda was in 2016 and has been a strong supporter of Nalanda’s education mission.

In his Dhamma talk that evening, Ajahn shared that the usual human experience is to identify with many things outside of our minds and attach to external factors which brings frustration and unhappiness due to its impermanence.  Instead, we should reverse this habit by looking internally whenever we experience Dukkha.  As human beings, we are blessed to be able to continually assess our state of mind, and hence, to refine our minds so that ‘good wins over evil’.

Ajahn encouraged devotees to develop detachment and equanimity to remedy life’s frustrations.

Devotees had the opportunity to ask Ajahn Kalyano questions after the talk.

Ajahn also encouraged us to develop detachment and equanimity to remedy life’s frustrations due to sensual indulgence.  Through deep reflection and focused contemplation, we too can realise the unconditional happiness that the Buddha so compassionately taught.

Thank you Ajahn for the inspiring teaching.  We wish Ajahn the best of health and peace always.

We thank Ajahn Kalyano for visiting Nalanda Centre again and delivering a simple yet insightful Dhamma teaching.