Dhamma talk by Ven. Digana Sugatavaṃsa

Dhamma talk by Ven. Digana Sugatavaṃsa

We warmly invite you for a Dhamma talk by Ven. Sugatavaṃsa this coming Wednesday 26 March at 8.30pm.  The evening service will commence with chanting and guided meditation.  All are welcome.

Ven. Sugatavaṃsa hails from Kandy, Sri Lanka, and first ordained at the age of 16.  He later received higher ordination under Ven. Devagoda Maṅgala Mahāthero and Ven. Nā-Uyane Ariyadhamma Mahāthero. Having studied under many renowned scholarly monks in Sri Lanka, he gained proficiency in the Vinaya (Monastic Discipline), Pāli Language and Abhidhamma, and was awarded as “Vinaya Visārada” (Vinaya Expert), “Abhidhamma Visārada” (Abhidhamma Expert) and “Tipiṭakācariya” (Proficiency in all three baskets of the Pāli Canon) by Śrī Kalyāṇī Yogāśrama Saṃstha and University of Sri Jayewardenepura (formerly known as Vidyodaya Pirivena), Sri Lanka.

Ven. Sugatavaṃsa has trained as a forest monk in Sri Lanka and Myanmar. He has led numerous meditation retreats and Dhamma discussions, particularly on Abhidhamma. He is also active in teaching meditation, Abdhidhamma and Pali in many countries including Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, South Korea, Australia, France, Italy and Switzerland.