Dhamma talk in Kelzar, Maharashtra

Dhamma talk in Kelzar, Maharashtra

Bro. Tan spoke about the glorious history of Buddhism in India.

Bro. Tan spoke about the glorious history of Buddhism in India, which is a teaching of compassion.

On Sunday 12 February, Bro. Tan received a very warm welcome when he visited Dhammabhumi monastery located in Kelzar, 52km south of Nagpur.  The village of Kelzar has a population of 1500 people, with a significant proportion of Buddhists.

Around 300 people including a large turnout of Sangha members had gathered that afternoon to listen to Bro. Tan’s talk, which was translated into Hindi and Marathi, the local languages.

The crowd listening to the talk in the cool afternoon.

The crowd listening to the talk in the cool afternoon shade at the vihara.


In his talk, Bro. Tan touched on the glorious history of Buddhism which spread peacefully in all directions from its land of origin – India.  He urged Indian Buddhists to again revitalise the Buddha’s teachings throughout our spiritual homeland, and lead more people to the Path of Wisdom and Liberation.

Bro. Tan received a very warm welcome at the village.

Earlier, Bro. Tan received a very warm welcome at the village by the elders of the community.

With teachers and local novice monks studying nearby.

With teachers and local novice monks studying nearby.