Dhamma talks this December

Dhamma talks this December

This December, Nalanda is honoured to host Ajahn Achalo, Ajahn Jayasaro, and Ajahn Kalyano for Dhamma talks in Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang.  Grab this opportunity to meet with and learn from inspiring Dhamma teachers.  All are welcome!

Ajahn Achalo  |  Sunday, 2 December  |  10.00 am – 11.30 am

Ajahn Achalo was born in Brisbane, Australia in 1972.  His deep interest in meditation brought him to study Buddhism more intensively in Thailand.  In 1996, Ajahn Achalo received Bhikkhu ordination at Wat Pah Pong under its abbot Ajahn Liem, a senior disciple of Ajahn Chah.  Ajahn Achalo received guidance from many remarkable teachers, including Ajahn Anan, who is his principal mentor.  Ajahn Achalo is currently Abbot of Anandagiri Forest Monastery in Phetchabun, Thailand.

Ajahn Jayasaro  |  Thursday, 13 December  |  8.00 pm – 10.00 pm

Ajahn Jayasaro was born in England.  He became an ‘anagarika’ in 1978 under the guidance of Ajahn Sumedho.  Later that year, he left for Wat Pah Pong in Northeast Thailand, where he was ordained a ‘bhikkhu’ with Ajahn Chah as his Preceptor.  Ajahn Jayasaro was the Abbot of Wat Pah Nanachat from 1997 to 2002.  He now resides in a hermitage at the foothills of Khao Yai mountain in Thailand.

Ajahn Kalyano  |  Friday, 14 December  |  8.00 pm – 10.00 pm

Ajahn Kalyano was born in London.  His deep interest in Buddhism brought him to Thailand after completing his studies at Bristol University.  Ajahn Kalyano received ordination in the forest tradition of Ajahn Chah in 1985 and trained for many years under Ajahn Anan.   In 2000, Ajahn Kalyano was invited to establish the forest tradition in Australia where he is now the Abbot of Buddha Bodhivana Monastery in East Warburton, Victoria.