Dhamma teachings during Convention

Dhamma teachings during Convention

Ajahn Piyadhammo from Germany will be our honoured speaker this coming Uposatha Day.

This weekend, we look forward to welcoming Nalandians from all over Malaysia back to our ‘spiritual home’ for the annual members’ convention.  In conjunction with this gathering, we have lined up a series of Dhamma talks and programmes for the public as follows:


Sunday Service, 29 April

9am – 10am | Meditation & Chanting

10am – 11am | Dhamma talk in English by Achariya Tan Siang Chye

10am – 11am | Dhamma talk in Mandarin by Bro. Ooi Boon Keat


Monday, 30 April | Full-moon Uposatha Day

9am – 10am | Meditation & Chanting

10am – 11am | Dhamma teaching by Bro.Tan

7pm – 8pm | Uposatha Day Meditation & Chanting

8pm – 9pm | Dhamma teaching by Ajahn Piyadhammo


Tuesday, 1 May | ‘Nalanda Day’

9am – 10am | Meditation & Chanting

10am – 11am | Dhamma teaching by Bro.Tan

11am – 12pm | Lunch Dāna for monks


Profile of Ajahn Piyadhammo

Ajahn Martin Piyadhammo was born in Stuttgart, Germany and was ordained in Thailand as a Buddhist monk in 1995.  He lived in the forests of Thailand for 20 years and had stayed at Wat Baan Taad Forest Monastery under the guidance of Luangta Maha Boowa.

Ajahn is currently the deputy abbot of Wat Phu Khong Tong in LamPhu Province, Thailand, where he teaches lay people and newly ordained Western monks Dhamma and meditation.


We welcome everyone to join us for a great Dhamma-learning weekend!