A ‘Dhammayatra’ is a spiritual pilgrimage to retrace the path taken by our Enlightened Teacher 2,600 years ago, and to discover the timeless beauty and efficacy of His marvellous teachings.
‘Dhammayatra’ is not a normal tour to visit Buddhist holy sites. Rather, it is a voyage of great insight, experiential learning, self reflection, and spiritual growth. Thus, every earnest Buddhist should embark on ‘Dhammayatra’ at least once in a lifetime.
This December, Nalandians have an opportunity to journey through India and Nepal with Bro. Tan to the holy sites of Lumbini, Bodhgaya, Sarnath, and Kusinara – places hallowed by the presence of the Buddha and the significant events which took place there.
Nalanda members and devotees can register for the 2017 Pilgrimage at Nalanda Centre, or through your branch secretaries. The closing date is Wednesday, 8 March. Selected participants will be informed by late April, briefed, and allotted classes and reading assignments.
Let us walk in the footsteps of the Blessed One, and strengthen our refuge in the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha!