Following the advice of Nalanda President to dedicate merits to victims of the recent Sabah earthquake, Nalanda Dharma School students organized a special service yesterday (Monday, 8 June) in honour of those who died in the tragedy. Also present at the remembrance service were Founder Bro. Tan, School Director Sis. Sunanda Ong, and several Nalandian officers.
The hour-long service included chanting, Dhamma sharing, and transference of merits. Bro. Tan spoke about the need to develop two noble qualities – ‘sympathy’ and ‘empathy’ – both of which form the basis for ‘compassion’. He also praised the students for their initiative to hold the remembrance service.
Bro. Tan shared about the need to develop both sympathy and empathy as they form the basis for compassionate living.
Nalanda Dharma School will be holding another service today (Tuesday, 9 June) at 5pm for the second group of senior students. Let us also spare a few moments to think of the casualties of recent tragedies with thoughts of love, kindness and compassion. Sadhu anumodana.