Dialogue on “Buddhist Perspective on Wealth”

Dialogue on “Buddhist Perspective on Wealth”

Speakers and participants had a group photograph after the dialogue at Level 3 ‘Srivijaya Seminar Hall’.

On Saturday 9 August, Universiti Putra Malaysia Buddhist Society’s (PBUPM) Alumni organized a dialogue themed <佛教财富观> (“Buddhist Perspective of Wealth”) at Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang.   The dialogue was presented by Venerable Chang Zao (常藻法师), Superintendent of Dharma Drum Mountain Malaysia, and Dato’ Ir. Ang Choo Hong (拿督洪祖豐居士).  The moderator was Bro. Tan Yong Chin (陳永淨).

Many questions were raised by participants on ways to handle their financial aspirations and situations.  The speakers advised everyone on earning our living through righteous means.  Deceiving others and using unwholesome ways to obtain material gain should be avoided.  Over time we should reduce our wants and covetousness, as well as avoid comparisons with other people.

The speakers advised everyone on earning our living through righteous means and avoid using unwholesome ways to gain wealth.

The two-hour dialogue afforded participants a clearer understanding about the true value of wealth and the pathway to economic well-being.  In short, we need to develop wisdom in order to know how to handle our material wealth and not to become slaves to it.

Ven. Chang Zao (left) chatting with Nalanda officers Bro. Charlie and Sis. Nandini after the dialogue.