Do our duty – stay home & stay safe

Do our duty – stay home & stay safe

Today, the Movement Control Order 3.0 in Malaysia will be intensified in a bid to stem the stark increase of Covid-19 infections across the country.  In these uncertain times, it is crucial to constantly check our state of mind – is it filled with wholesome thoughts of loving-kindness and compassion?  Or is it fraught with negativity like worry, anxiety, and fear?

The Buddha taught in the Sabbasava Sutta (Majjhima Nikaya 2) that when one contemplates wisely, their anxieties and troubles that have not yet arisen do not arise, and those that have already arisen will cease.  By seeing the nature of every situation that we face as “impermanent”, we learn to have more acceptance in our hearts and peace in our minds.  By reflecting on the constancy of change throughout our lives, we know that any hardship we face now will also change.

While we stay at home and do our duty to follow all SOPs, let our thoughts of love and kindness go to all front-liners who are battling with Covid-19 day and night to keep us safe.  May all those who are impacted by the pandemic stay well and safe.  May those who perished be at Peace.  Sukhihotu.