‘Don’t Worry, Be Mindful’ with Sis. K C Chiang

‘Don’t Worry, Be Mindful’ with Sis. K C Chiang

Sis. K C Chiang explained that our minds are compulsive story-tellers.

On Sunday 14 December, Sis. K C Chiang, a practicing Clinical Psychologist gave an interesting talk on ‘Don’t Worry, Be Mindful’ at Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang.

Sis. K C Chiang explained that our minds are compulsive story-tellers.  Thoughts are not facts but we believe they are; and we worry by letting the mind ruminate on the thoughts.  This will affect our moods and put us in the state of distress.  The solution is to switch from ‘thinking’ mode to ‘sensing mode’ – being aware of what is happening in the present moment, to help us restore our balance.  Hence, the key is to practice being mindful. 

A devotee relating a story to Sis. K C Chiang based on a few pictures shown on the screen.

We thank Sis. K C Chiang for the wonderful sharing and the weekly Service Sunday concluded joyfully with dedication of merits to all beings.  Sadhu anumodana!

We thank Sis. K C Chiang for the wonderful sharing and a token of appreciation was presented to her by Hon. Secretary, Sis. Buddhini.