Double celebration at convocation

Double celebration at convocation

BPS 306 graduates expressed their gratitude to Dhamma teachers, good friends and volunteers for enabling them to complete the course.

On Saturday 24 September, Nalanda Institute Malaysia held a Convocation Ceremony and Gratitude Day for graduates of two of its courses this year, BPS 306 Certificate in Buddhist Studies and BPS 104 Buddhist Studies in Mandarin.  Family and friends gathered in support of our 80 new Buddhists who diligently completed the courses and assignments over the past months.

Together with hearty congratulations, Achariya Tan Siang Chye, the Director of Nalanda Institute Malaysia said that now we have set the foundation for future learning, we can all progress towards seeing the true meaning of the Buddha’s Teachings through continued study and practice.

Nalanda officers performing ‘Achariya Abhivadana’ before the start of the ceremony.

Achariya Tan Siang Chye expressed that the inclusion of experiential learning was well received by students as they can put what they have learned into practice.

Achariya Vijaya reminded us that we are priviledge to learn Dhamma and this brings along with it great responsibilities as well.

Sis. Chew represented the students to express their gratitude and share their learning journey.

Achariya S. Vijaya, the Chairman of Nalanda Education Committee remarked that we all have a responsibility to share the Dhamma with people around us, and tasked participants to pay-it-forward through service, what they had the priviledge to receive.

We thank our Dhamma teachers, benefactors, participants and volunteers for their contributions towards the successful completion of these structured courses.  Your collective contribution has made it possible for the continued passing down of the profound teachings of the Buddha.  Sadhu anumodana.

For more photos, please visit our Facebook page here.  Thank you.

The presentation of ‘Guru-dakkhinā’, an offering to our spiritual teachers as a gesture to honour and express our appreciation for their teaching and guidance.

Bro. Tong presented tokens to participants who had full attendance in BPS 104.

Bro. Dexel Loo, who is also the youngest student of BPS 306, was recognised for the ‘Most Outstanding Individual Assignment’.

Bro. Ng Siew Keng was awarded for the “Best Written Evaluation”.

Sis. Lim Eng Hoon was awarded as the student with the “Best Overall Performance”. Sadhu anumodana!

Family members rejoiced in the achievements of the students.

Graduates of BPS 104 come together from all across Malaysia for their convocation.