Eager to learn Buddhist Scriptures & Doctrines

Eager to learn Buddhist Scriptures & Doctrines

Happy participants after the maiden lecture on 5 July, inspired by the Buddha’s teachings.

Report by Sandy Lim  |  Photographs by Gan Jia Cheng

On Saturday 5 July, 46 registered participants attended the first lecture of the much-anticipated BPS 402 – Higher Certificate in Buddhist Studies – offered by Nalanda Institute Malaysia.  A similar course (BPS 401) was last organised 5 years ago, also by Nalanda Institute’s Department of Buddhist & Pāli Studies, from July to December 2009.

The maiden lecture on “Buddhist Scriptures & Doctrines” was conducted by Nalanda Institute’s Founder, Bro Tan.  Participants were introduced to the early history of Buddhist Scriptures.  A few centuries after the Buddha’s passing, Buddhism branched into several schools, each with its own scriptural tradition.  It is therefore essential to understand the history of scriptures to be acquainted with the original teachings of the Buddha.

‘It is essential to refer to the Pāli scriptures and learn the doctrines well.’ – Bro Tan.

On 12 and 19 July, Bro. Tan continued with the second and third lectures respectively, where he introduced the true meaning and correct interpretation of the ‘Three Jewels’, ‘Three Refuges’, and the ‘Four Noble Truths’.  At the end of every lecture, participants joyfully discovered many “new gems” from Bro. Tan’s lucid explanations!  Everyone is inspired and eager to learn more in subsequent sessions next month.

We wish all participants much progress in their Dhamma learning, and all the best in researching for their first course assignment!

Participants taking copious notes on what was being taught. Sadhu anumodana!