‘Education Day’ is observed annually to celebrate the launching of Nalanda’s “Education Philosophy”.
Nalanda ‘Education Day’ is celebrated around 11 December every year with a series of programmes for teachers, devotees, teenagers and children. This date marks the anniversary of the launching of Nalanda’s “Education Philosophy” which calls for a holistic approach in education – balancing and combining knowledge, skills, values and culture – leading to integral development of people.
In conjunction with ‘Education Day’ this month, Nalanda has lined up two Dhamma camps for teenagers (from 2 – 4 December in Johor; and from 16 – 18 December in Selangor); a children’s camp in Sri Serdang (19 – 21 December); a Stay-in Programme for Dhamma School students (6 – 9 December); an education workshop for Nalanda teachers (on 12 December); and a retreat for Dhamma School facilitators (24 – 26 December).
And for the first time ever, Nalanda Kedah Branch will be organising a youth camp from 23 – 25 December at NEO Centre Sungai Petani. The camp will explore the cultivation of ‘generosity’ – one of the wholesome foundational qualities of spiritual life. And in another first, it will be conducted in Mandarin.
The theme of 2016 Nalanda ‘Education Day’ is “Moving forward together”. It was chosen to emphasise the need for concerted efforts in educating families and all segments of the community to live in accordance to Dhamma and establish Right Views.
We invite everyone to support and participate in these wholesome programmes to further advance Buddhist education in Malaysia and beyond. With these efforts, may the Buddha-Sāsana long endure!