Eight Blessings series #4 – Peace begins with Me

Eight Blessings series #4 – Peace begins with Me

A reflection by Sis. Amanda Chen

This holiday period gives the potential for peace to blossom at home and within our community. By beginning each day with a meditation sitting to clear the mind, we can extend kind speech, action and thoughts mindfully throughout the day to create an environment of love and harmony.

Simple acts such as greeting our family members politely, serving and hosting visitors as well as extending a helping hand where needed whilst maintaining calm and care, are great ways to develop love and peace amongst family members.

These acts of patience and compassion are absolutely infectious, as our loved ones, especially children observe and emulate us. The sense of peace and calmness have a great potential to further transcend the boundaries of our homes and benefit our relationship with the community around us. Let us mindfully observe our actions, speech and thoughts in the midst of busyness and chatter during this festive season.