Emulate the Buddha’s qualities

Emulate the Buddha’s qualities

Venerable Chang Zao giving a Mandarin Dhamma talk on ‘Correct Practices & Devotion’ for Buddhists.

Venerable Chang Zao giving a Mandarin Dhamma talk on ‘Correct Practices & Devotion’ for Buddhists.

On Sunday 17 April, the Superintendent of Dharma Drum Malaysia, Venerable Bhikshuni Chang Zao (常藻法师), was invited to Nalanda to give a Mandarin Dhamma talk on ‘Correct Practices & Devotion’ for Buddhists (“正信的佛教是什么?”).  She highlighted the essential teachings of Buddhism, and how it spread throughout the world.

Venerable Chang Zao also explained how Buddhist practices took different forms due to the influence of local populace.  The Buddha realised that different people had different needs and understanding; therefore, He created a simple step-by-step method of teaching to suit the many types of people.

Devotees asking questions to better understand the talk.

Devotees asking questions to better understand the talk.

Venerable Chang Zao reminded everyone that as Buddhists we should be learning about Buddha’s qualities and emulating Him, and not merely praying to Him.  She explained that Dhamma practice is a gradual progression of Sīla (Morality), Samadhi (Concentration) and Pañña (Wisdom).

In terms of spiritual cultivation, Ven. Chang Zao emphasised the importance of meditation.  She said meditation helped to still our minds so that we would not to be affected by our predicaments.  She added that by meditating, we will always live in the present moment, no matter how busy we are.  We thank Ven. Chang Zao for her insightful talk.  Sadhu anumodana.

Bro. Tan and senior Nalandian officers giving Ven. Chang Zao a warm send-off.

Bro. Tan and senior Nalandian officers giving Ven. Chang Zao a warm send-off.