On Sunday 20 October, members of Nalanda Dhammaduta College gathered to learn more about the visual aspect of Dhamma talks, guided by Bro. Tan Siang Chye. In today’s world we greatly rely on the sense of sight in learning and communicating; hence when used effectively, visual tools are an important aid in relaying the Buddha’s teachings.
Bro. Siang Chye explained the importance of considering the communication flow in the visuals which includes how one frames the talk and then relate the content to facilitate learning. He also shared aspects of design to better engage the audience and led the group in a hands-on exercise to experience designing slides.
Our appreciation goes out to Bro. Siang Chye and the organisers for this learning opportunity to enhance our presentation and communication abilities. We also express our thanks to the collegiate for their spirited learning and keenness improve their skills in serving the community. Sadhu anumodana.