Entering the ‘Vassana’ period

Entering the ‘Vassana’ period

We respectfully pay homage to all venerable monks entering the ‘Vassana’.

We respectfully pay homage to all venerable monks entering the annual ‘Vassana’ period.

According to Theravāda tradition, fully-ordained monks and nuns (bhikkhus and bhikkhunis) are required to observe Vassana’ or ‘Rains Retreat’ for a 3-month period, beginning the day after the full-moon of Asalha month, which is today.

The tradition of ‘Rains Retreat’ was started by the Buddha Himself in the year 588 BCE, where the Lord and 60 bhikkhus resided in Sarnath near Varanasi.  The monks learned and practised Dhamma intensively under the direct guidance of the Buddha; at the end of that period, all of them had attained the highest spiritual goal of Arahantship.

The Buddha also encouraged lay devotees to support the material needs of the monks so that the latter can fully concentrate on spiritual work.  We hereby respectfully wish all monks entering the ‘Rains Retreat’ a peaceful abiding.  ‘Namo Sanghaya’ – homage to the Sangha!


For more information on this venerable Theravāda tradition, please visit: Observing ‘Vassana’