31 July 2016 @ 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
We invite everyone to support this fund-raising event and help build the ‘K. Sri Dhammananda Centre’ in Sri Serdang. Thank you!
Nalanda Family Fun Fair aims to raise funds for a new Dhamma learning facility – the K. Sri Dhammananda Centre in Sri Serdang. Once completed, it will provide opportunities for more children and teenagers to attend Dhamma School. We humbly invite you to be part of this important community project, and make a significant contribution to the development of holistic education.
You may help by :
– Setting up stalls;
– Donating in cash and kind;
– Helping to sell coupons;
– Serving as a volunteer;
– Bringing your family and friends to the Family Fun Fair.
We look forward to your participation. Thank you.