Exhibition on Ven. K. Sri Dhammananda

Exhibition on Ven. K. Sri Dhammananda

Exhibition Co-ordinator Sis. Hui Shean introducing Nalanda Dhamma School students to the late venerable.

Exhibition Co-ordinator Sis. Hui Shien introducing young Nalanda Dhamma School students to the late Ven. Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda, who was our Spiritual Adviser.

In celebrating this year’s Wesak ‘Buddha Day’, Nalanda Dhamma School organised a special exhibition themed “A Beacon of Dhamma”, on the life and times of the late Venerable Dr. Kirinde Sri Dhammananda Nayaka Thero, who was Nalanda’s Spiritual Adviser.  Among the exhibits were writings, publications, and photographs of the late venerable, including rare records of his last years of life and his visits to Nalanda Centre.

The exhibition was opened to the public on 21 May and has since received a steady stream of visitors including monks and laity.  Many visitors commended the organisers on the simple elegance of the exhibition, and the creative touches where guests can leave their messages or have their portraits taken.

Visitors getting to know the late venerable's qualities and contributions to Buddhism.

Visitors getting to know the late venerable’s qualities and contributions to Buddhism.

Lively children's activities at the exhibition.

The exhibition was enlivened by children’s educational activities related to the theme.

There were also guided tours and children’s activities related to the exhibition, which was aimed at introducing the younger generation to the late venerable, who was undoubtedly a luminary of Buddha-Sasana in the modern era.

A group of scholar-monks from Sri Lanka visiting the exhibition.

A group of scholar-monks from Sri Lanka visiting the exhibition on 26 May.

Two venerables at the exhibition.

Another two venerable monks at the exhibition.

Holding “A Beacon of Dhamma” exhibition in 2016 is especially significant, as it marks the 10th year of Ven. Dhammananda’s passing.  Due to popular request, the exhibition will be extended by another two weeks to 5 June.  It is open for visiting on Saturdays and Sundays, from 10am to 4pm.

We welcome everyone to take this opportunity to see the exhibition, and get to know the late Ven. K. Sri Dhammananda’s exceptional qualities and his contributions to the development of Buddhism in Malaysia.

Visitors leaving their messages at a corner of the exhibition.

Visitors can leave their messages at a corner of the exhibition.

Visitors can also pose with the portrait of the late venerable holding placards of his teachings.

Visitors can also pose with the portrait of the late venerable holding placards of his teachings.