Members and devotees listened attentively to Ajahn Kusalo.
On Wednesday 17 April, members and devotees had the opportunity to learn from Ven. Ajahn Kusalo, who gave a Dhamma talk on the importance of investigation and contemplation. Ajahn pointed out that the mind is clouded with perceptions and preconceptions about everything and everyone around us, based on past experiences in our lives.
These perceptions cloud our actions and judgement in our daily lives and especially when we face challenges. The challenges in our life are not the problem, but how we relate to these conditions. If we were to react with clarity and mindfulness, we will not take things so personally but respond appropriately and within the right context.
Ajahn Kusalo talked about metaphors as the foundation of human understanding.
An experiential learning as Ajahn Kusalo spoke about letting go.
Nalanda leaders and youths thanking Ajahn Kusalo personally after the evening talk.
The evening service started with chanting.
Devotees asking questions to clear their doubts.
‘Ease and peace is not what you can get, but experienced when you let go.’
We need to transcend the ‘stories’ and perceptions which we grow up with.
With the use of metaphors and similes, Ajahn led devotees to better understand ways to investigate and contemplate through observation so that we can be more attuned to how things really are. We extend our gratitude to Ajahn Kusalo for his teachings and wish him good health, peace and success in his noble endeavours. Sadhu.