Develop faith and devotion with wisdom

Develop faith and devotion with wisdom

Participants are joyful listening to Achariya Vijaya's talk.

Participants were joyful and tickled while listening to Achariya Vijaya’s talk.

On Sunday 8 May, Achariya Vijaya Samarawickrama gave a talk on ‘Faith and Devotional Practice’.  He explained that ‘faith’ in the context of Buddhism is not blind nor dogmatic, but is developed through gradual approach and proper understanding, which then gives rise to wisdom.

Out of compassion, the Buddha taught the Dhamma so that we can end our suffering.  However, in the Kalama Sutta (Anguttara Nikaya 3.65), the Buddha also invites us to investigate, to experience, and to question before believing something, and accepting what He taught.

Achariya Vijaya giving the talk on 'Faith and Devotional Practice'.

Achariya Vijaya giving the talk on ‘Faith and Devotional Practice’.

Our faith can be developed through Pariyatti (Learning), Patipatti (Practice) and Pativeda (Realisation).  Proper learning and continuous practice will eventually lead us to the Path of Wisdom.  We become more restrained in body and mind.  However, the ultimate aim of our practice is to cultivate inner peace and happiness for our benefit and the benefit of others, and finally, liberation from Dukkha.

Achriya Vijaya’s sharing was timely especially with ‘Buddha Day’ drawing near.  We thank Achariya for the wonderful presentation.  Sadhu anumodana!

Plenty to discuss after an interesting Dhamma talk.

There was plenty to discuss after an interesting Dhamma talk.