Familiarisation tour by Baha’i youths

Familiarisation tour by Baha’i youths

Report by Chan Jia Xin.
Bro. Disheng leading the Baha’i youths on a tour of Nalanda Centre.

Bro. Disheng leading the Baha’i youths on a tour of Nalanda Centre.

On Saturday 22 October, three youth members representing the Baha’i community came to Nalanda Centre on a familiarisation visit.  The guests were warmly received by Nalandian youth officers Bro. Disheng and Sis. Xelynn, who brought them on a building tour.

The Baha’i youths had the opportunity to listen to a special talk by Nalanda founder on the meaning of ‘true success’.  Bro. Tan shared that true success is moment-to-moment victory over defilements, which far surpasses any worldly success.  The Baha’i and Nalandian youths then had an interactive discussion on their respective faiths and practices.  Bro. Disheng and Sis. Xelynn shared with them about Nalanda’s mission and objectives in providing holistic education for the benefit of the community.


The Baha’i youths’ visit was part of a series of exchanges with Nalanda Youth Centre.  Both groups learned much from one another through such visits, which is a wonderful way to foster closer interfaith relations among Malaysians.