Family Fun Fair is back!

Family Fun Fair is back!

Sunday, 31 July | 9 am – 4 pm | Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang

FFF Notice

We welcome everyone to participate in this noble and meritorious cause to support making Holistic Education available for all.

The much-anticipated ‘NALANDA FAMILY FUN FAIR’ is back this year on 31 July!  This year’s ‘Family Fun Fair’ will feature over 160 stalls offering a wide range of food, beverages, household items, handicrafts, and merchandise.  There will also be cultural shows and performances by youths and students.  In short, it is going to be a wonderful outing for families and friends while supporting a noble cause!

The ‘Family Fun Fair’ aims to raise funds for the expansion of Nalanda Dhamma School by building the “K. Sri Dhammananda Centre” to accommodate 100 more students.  Funds are also needed to finance Nalanda’s many free community-based educational programmes run by Nalanda Institute, Dhamma School, Youth Centre, and Free School.


We invite you, your family members and friends to support this event by:

  • Buying the ‘Fun Fair’ coupons at RM10 per booklet
  • Helping to sell the coupons
  • Making a donation to the event or directly to the Society
  • Becoming a volunteer on the event day


For more information on the ‘Family Fun Fair’, please feel free to contact any one of Nalanda’s representatives below:

  • Vincent Lee – 012-211-3907
  • Gioh Gik Choo – 013-269-0327
  • Evelyn Chow – 012-318-1512

Please SHARE this news with all your family members, friends and contacts, and support this beneficial cause for Holistic Education!  Thank you and mettā.