Family outing to Putrajaya

Family outing to Putrajaya

Report by Zhui Mun.
An outing to Putrajaya.

Nalanda KL Branch Dhamma School students and their parents having an outing to Putrajaya.

On 23 October, Nalanda Kuala Lumpur Branch organised a family trip for its members to Taman Putra Perdana in Putrajaya.  Sixty-four Nalandians and their family members, including students from the Dhamma School, took part in the outing.

The programme started with morning chanting, followed by an aerobics session.  Everyone was then placed into smaller groups to compete in station games such as ‘Fun Puzzle’, ‘Twister Team’, ‘Water Boom’ and ‘Passing Ball’.  Those activities helped strengthen the bond with loved ones, as well as enhanced teamwork and communication skills.


The outing ended joyfully with lunch, a birthday celebration, and Dhamma sharing by Sis. Sunanda.  Everyone was still beaming with happiness despite being truly exhausted.  It was indeed a successful outing with branch members, parents, students and facilitators coming together as a Nalandian community.

Parents and children playing together.

Parents and children playing family games together.