Felicitations on Ven. Saranankara’s birthday

Felicitations on Ven. Saranankara’s birthday

May Venerable Saranankara be blessed with good health, long life, peace and happiness.

Nalanda members and devotees offer our warmest wishes to Most Venerable Sri Saranankara Adhikarana Nāyaka Thero on his birthday today. Ven. Saranankara has been contributing selflessly to the Buddhist community in Malaysia for more than 35 years now, benefitting the well-being of monks and laity alike.
We are grateful to have such an inspiring Sangha member in our midst and extend our warmest felicitations to Ven. Saranankara. May Bhante be blessed with good health and success in all your noble aspirations. Happy 67th Birthday, Bhante!