On Saturday 27 October, Nalandians warmly welcomed and hosted 24 visiting members of Firefly Mission from Singapore. The group, led by their President Dr. Ng Yee Kong, travels annually to various monasteries in Malaysia to celebrate the offering of ‘Kathina’. It was their 7th consecutive yearly visit to Nalanda Centre, a place which they find genuine warmth and inspiration.
We were privileged to invite Firefly members to be our first guests to the Wisdom Park exhibition, completed and opened just the night before. Everyone listened intently to explanations by Nalanda founder Bro.Tan and Project Coordinator Bro.Tan Say Kee on the conceptualisation of this holistic education campus. They rejoiced over its strategic objectives to develop knowledgeable and well-practiced Dhamma teachers and leaders for the sustenance of Buddha-Sāsana into the future.
Bro.Tan also brought the visitors to tour the newly-launched ‘K. Sri Dhammananda Centre’ located across the road from Nalanda Centre.
We thank Firefly members for keeping our camaraderie warm, and we wish them every success in their humanitarian work across Asia. Let us all continue to serve humanity selflessly in our own unique ways. Sādhu ānumodanā!