First Nalandian Dhammaduta to the United States

First Nalandian Dhammaduta to the United States

Lim Jie Sheng (on the far left) and young Nalandians serving in NEO Centre Johor Bahru last Wesak.

Nalanda Youth Centre is certainly spawning a new generation of passionate Dhamma messengers (Dhammaduta)!  In conjunction with Wesak, Nalandian youth Lim Jie Sheng, 18, has been invited to give a Dhamma-sharing at the Indiana Buddhist Temple in Hoagland, Indiana, this Saturday 24 May 2014.

Jie Sheng is currently in the U.S.A. as an exchange student under the Kennedy Lugar Youth Exchange & Study Program.  He is a passionate Nalandian who has been actively involved in Buddhist outreach programmes for the past few years while at Nalanda Dharma School.

Bro. Lim Jie Sheng

When informed of Jie Sheng’s upcoming talk at Indiana Buddhist Temple, Nalanda Founder Bro. Tan was truly elated, and shared his delight with facilitators and youths at Nalanda.  Nalandians are proud that the younger generation is seeing the need to propagate the Dhamma for the benefit of individuals and communities.

We offer our blessings to Jie Sheng in Indiana.  May he conduct a successful session this weekend and observe a fruitful Wesak in the United States.  Bhavatu sabba mangalam!