First Scheduled Pindacāra in 2014

First Scheduled Pindacāra in 2014

Venerable receiving offerings from the public.

Saturday 4 January was a meaningful day for Nalandians and devotees who were gathered at the Taman O.U.G and Happy Garden markets to offer alms-food to members of the Sangha. The monthly alms-round allows lay people to do good deeds with kind intentions and actions. Cheerfulness was what we saw from the faces of the elderly and the young.

Devotees at NEO Centre offering lunch to the venerables.

Following the morning alms-round by 3 bhikkhus, devotees gathered at NEO Centre in Happy Garden for Puja and Sanghika-Dana. We also had the opportunity to listen to Dhamma teachings by Bro. Tan, his first Dhamma talk at Nalanda in 2014. He urged everyone to use the Dhamma as guiding principles to grow spiritually. Sadhu Anumodana to all devotees and volunteers for eagerly participating in this programme.