We joyfully invite all devotees to display the Buddhist Flag to welcome the upcoming ‘Buddha Day’.
Let us proudly fly the Buddhist flag at our homes this Wesak month and be united in spirit with the millions of Dhamma friends around the world. First hoisted in 1885, the colourful flag symbolises the peaceful spirit of Buddhism that embraces its diverse traditions.
In 1952, at the World Fellowship of Buddhists Conference, the flag was unanimously adopted by its delegates as the universal symbol of Buddhist faith. Since then, it has been flown at important Buddhist events, especially on Wesak Day. Each colour on the flag represents these salient qualities of Buddhism :
Blue : The Spirit of Universal Compassion
Yellow : The Middle-Path
Red : The Blessings of living by the principles of Dhamma
White : The Purity of the Buddha’s Teachings
Orange : The Wisdom of the Buddha’s teachings
The sixth vertical stripe is termed ‘resplendent glory’. It is the successful culmination of our practice as a Buddhist on the Middle-Path to experience for ourselves the truth of Dhamma and ultimately freedom from suffering.
Let us strive to embody these virtues as we progress on the spiritual path, for the benefit of ourselves and all beings. May the Buddha-Sāsana long endure!