Food parcels for the hungry

Food parcels for the hungry

Team Nalanda do their bit to combat world hunger.

The Nalanda Team do their bit to combat world hunger.

On Saturday 10 October, a team of 20 Nalandian youths, led by Bro. Disheng, participated in a meal-packaging event at Berjaya Times Square.  It was hosted and organised by Berjaya Youth, in collaboration with ‘Stop Hunger Now’, a non-profit organisation based in the US which aims to end world hunger by operating international food-relief.

Nalandian youths filling up plastic bags with nutrient-rich food and vitamins.

Nalandian youths filling up bags with nutrient-rich food and vitamins.

One hundred thousand packages comprising rice, soy, dried vegetables and vitamins, were packed and sent to the Malaysian Red Crescent Society for distribution to impoverished people in Malaysia and other parts of Southeast Asia.  Nalandian youths were grateful for the opportunity to contribute towards this effort to eradicate world hunger.  Sadhu anumodana.

Bro. Disheng (right) accepts a certificate of appreciation from the organisers of Stop Hunger Now on behalf of his team.

Bro. Disheng (right) accepting a certificate of appreciation from the organisers.

Thousands of boxes of food packages destined for  parts of Southeast Asia to feed the underprivileged.

Thousands of food packages destined for different parts of Southeast Asia.