Seminar on ‘Positive Parenting’

Seminar on ‘Positive Parenting’

Forum participants were pleased with what they had learned at the forum and gave positive feedback.

Participants benefited from the forum and gave positive feedback to the School organisers.

On Saturday 31 October, Nalanda Dhamma School held its first forum for parents at Nalanda Centre to address the challenges being faced by mums and dads today.  Guest speaker Bro. Aggaphala Yap talked about the importance of ‘Positive Parenting’ and how it could be practised.

When the participants shared their concerns about their parenting skills, one of the major issues was that their children were facing a lot of pressure.  In due course, the parents acknowledged that they could be a source of stress as they had higher expectations of their children compared with their own parents’ expectations of them when they were kids.

As the participants bounced their ideas and opinions off each other during group discussion, they began to have a clearer idea of their objectives and perhaps even solutions to some of their challenges.

A group discussion on how to be better parents.

A group discussion on how to practise better parenting.

The positive feedback and enthusiastic response from the participants was heartening as the session proved to be enlightening and beneficial.  Several Nalandian officers who were parents themselves also attended the session.  We thank Bro. Aggaphala Yap for conducting this beneficial seminar, and to Nalandian parents for participating in it.  Sadhu anumodana.

Guest speaker gave a talk on ‘Positive Parenting’.

Bro. Aggaphala Yap (back to camera) talking about ‘Positive Parenting’.