Free School students learn heritage and history

Free School students learn heritage and history

Happy learning with support of the teachers and volunteers at Sin Sze Si Ya Temple Pioneers of Kuala Lumpur Museum.

On Saturday 11 November, Nalanda Free School teachers and volunteers hosted a study trip for students around Kuala Lumpur city.  Students learned about the history of the country’s early development and some of the pioneers of the Chinese community who played a crucial role in shaping the founding ideologies of our nation.

This experiential exposure brought history to life for the students, sparking questions and discussions on how our forebears had struggled and succeeded through many challenges.  In turn, student felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for their sacrifices, and understood the importance of knowing our origins.

Dr. Ser Wue Hiong, Curator of Memorial Lim Lian Geok introduced the life story of Lim Lian Geok and also the sacrifices he made for the Chinese community in Malaysia.

A Q&A session with Dr. Ng Chwee Fang.

At the Chan She Shu Yuen Clan Ancestral Hall, students learned that the clan association is for those with the surname ‘Chen’, ‘Chin’, and ‘Tan’ , as they are written in same Chinese character ‘陈’ .

Learning about the founders and history of Chan She Shu Yuen.

We thank the guides for their help in providing the explanations at Chan She Shu Yuen Clan Ancestral Hall.

We thank Nalanda Free School Principal Dr. Ng Chwee Fang, teachers and volunteers as well as the host and tour guides of the museums for enabling the students to learn about and recognise the contributions of those who laid the foundations of progress many decades ago.  May our students continue to develop in their studies and values to become themselves valuable members of the community.

One of the Directors at Memorial Lim Lian Geok, Miss Tian Mei brings the students to look around the memorial and also introduced the history of the buildings in Kuala Lumpur.

Miss Tian Mei helps the students to make records.

Learning about the exhibits at Sin Sze Si Ya Temple Pioneers of Kuala Lumpur Museum

Miss Shu Yen gave a briefing about the history of development of Kuala Lumpur.

Primary school students takes a group photo at the museum.