A joyous group photo with teachers, students, parents and volunteers.
To conclude a fruitful 2024 academic year at Nalanda Free School, its teachers, volunteers, students and their family members gathered on Saturday 7 December for the annual Appreciation Night. With much gratitude for the School’s teachers and volunteers for supporting the students’ development both academically and morally, students put their best foot forward in performances whilst parents shared heartfelt words of thanks.
Sharing stories of the students’ progress, teachers and parents alike rejoiced in all of the children’s efforts which reaped progress in their studies and also character-building. To recognise the students’ achievements, the School granted four categories of awards including “Best Student Award”, “Most Improved Student Award”, “Most Enthusiastic in Learning” and “Best Attendance”.

We thank all our wonderful Free School teachers for their dedication and care.

S6 Students recited a poem to thank all the teachers.

The children’s hard work paid off!
Registration for Nalanda Free School academic year 2025 is now open at https://forms.gle/sRTxvA7cEYixX3499. We invite parents to register their children and also share this opportunity to family and friends who may benefit from this learning platform. For more information, you may contact Nalanda Centre at 03-8938 1500.

The session started with a meditation session to calm the mind, just as they do at the start of class.

Sis. Nandini Tan presenting a token of thanks to Dr. Ng Chwee Fang, the Principal of Free School.

Video interview with Most Improved Student in S6 Mandarin Class.

Performance by S5 & S6 students.

Performance – Mandarin Recitation by F3 Student Lai Jia Jia.

Student Performance – song by F4 student Nicole Lee.

Hosts – Bro. Sui Lun & Sis. Hun Yee.

Award Presentation to F4 Student – Low Lih Ming.

Award Presentation to F4 Student – Nicole Lee Ka Xin.

Award Presentation to F5 Student – Chin Li Wen.

Award Presentation to S6 Student -Tam Kang Yew.

Musical instrument performances by the students.

Dr. Ng addressing the attendees.

Appreciation Gift to Teacher Chu Zhi Kang

Appreciation Gift to Teacher Lau Xiao Wei.

Appreciation Gift to Teacher Lee Ching Yik.

Appreciation Gift to Teacher Lim Eng Hoon.

Appreciation Gift to Teacher Stella Lee.

Appreciation Gift to Teacher Vincent Cheah.

Appreciation Gift to Teacher Yap Hau Yan.

Award Presentation to F3 Student – Lai Jia Jia.

Award Presentation to F3 Student – Teh Yu Zhe.

Appreciation Gift to Teacher Cheang Weng Yin.

Appreciation gift to Teacher Chin Chooi Kim.

Expression of thankfulness to the volunteerism of the Free School teachers.

Happy students with their parents.

Students presenting handmade flowers to teachers.

Parents thank School Principal, Dr. Ng.

Photo with S5 student Magalaxmi.

Secondary BM class teachers with students.

Parents enquiring about 2025’s schedule.

Students with their parents.