Fruitful Nalanda Members’ Day in Sri Serdang

Fruitful Nalanda Members’ Day in Sri Serdang

Nalandians gather for a 'family portrait' at the 'Sala Pandita', Level 3 of Nalanda Centre.

Report by J. J. Tan  |  Photographs by Gan Jia Cheng

On Sunday 22 June, Nalanda Members’ Day was successfully held at Nalanda Centre, attended by members from Sri Serdang and Kuala Lumpur branches.  During the training session, Nalanda’s Founder Bro. Tan walked the members through the meaning of membership in Nalanda, and reminding all Nalandians to stay focused on the mission and vision of the Society.

Bro. Tan also briefed members on the progress of the Nalanda Centre Expansion Project besides giving everyone a “virtual tour” of the new building.  The newly expanded Centre will be able to accommodate 8,400 users a month, and serve the community’s educational needs for the next 8 years (until 2022).

Bro. Tan conducting a training session for Nalandians on the meaning and role of membership.

The training session was full of serious discussions but also full of humour at times!

The evening session was filled with more motivating activities including updates by Head of Fundraising Team Sis. Evelyn Chow, and sharing of inspiring stories by fellow Nalandians.  Nalanda Members’ Day was joyfully concluded with a hearty “Thank you” to our Founder, Bro Tan.

In the spirit of unity or “Samaggi”, let us all continue to move forward and upward in the path of learning and propagating the Dhamma for the welfare of many.  Sadhu anumodana!

Birthday celebration for Nalandians after the Members' Day gathering.