Full-moon Uposatha Service with Ayya Santinī

Full-moon Uposatha Service with Ayya Santinī

Ayya advised, "raise your awareness to quickly learn and develop spirituality in the path of the Dhamma".

On Monday 5 January, devotees had an inspiring evening listening to Ayya Santinī’s Dhamma talk for Full-moon Uposatha Service at Nalanda Centre.  Ayya pointed out to us that we have the tendency to do things according to what we like, eventhough it is not right.  We easily succumb to our senses and take things for granted without being aware that’s the reason we continue to do the unwholesome.

Ayya advised us to raise our awareness to quickly learn and develop spirituality in the path of the Dhamma.  It is also important to guard our thoughts, speech and conduct to develop wholesomeness; besides practicing meditation for a clear mind.

Bro. Poon leading the Pūja (offerings to the Three Jewels) with devotion.

We thank Ayya Santinī for the insightful talk and may Ayya be blessed with good health and much peace! Sadhu anumodana.

Bro. Choong Li reading the dedication of merits before leading chanting.