Getting to know the Buddha

Getting to know the Buddha


Sis. Sandy sharing on the ‘Life of the Buddha’.

Sunday 6 September marked the commencement of BPS 101 – Buddhist Studies in Mandarin – offered by Nalanda Institute’s Department of Buddhist & Pāli Studies, with more than 70 eager participants taking part.

Sis. Sandy Lim gave a talk on the life of the Buddha through interesting stories from the birth of Prince Siddhattha; His Great Renunciation at the age of 29 to seek the way to end suffering; the Enlightenment of the Buddha at the age of 35; the preaching of His first sermon after Enlightenment at Sarnath; and the Māhaparinibbāna of the Buddha at the age of 80.


Participants doing meditation to calm the mind before the course commence.

Sis. Sandy also shared about events that happened during the Buddha’s lifetime which perfectly illustrated His humanity and the supreme qualities of compassion, patience and wisdom as an Enlightened being.  She also briefly explained the spread of Buddhism from India to other parts of the world.


Group discussion in progress.

The lecture was followed by a lively group discussion.  Participants thanked Sis Sandy for her interesting presentation, and can now better appreciate the Buddha’s teachings with understanding and inspiration.  The session ended with sharing of merits with all sentient beings.  Sadhu anumodana!


Participants listening attentively to the interesting sharing.