Getting to know the Buddha

Getting to know the Buddha

Hear the speakers’ personal encounters and experiences.

Hear the speakers’ personal encounters and experiences on how to know the Buddha better.

In conjunction with WesakBuddha Day’ celebrations this year, Nalanda Institute is organising a forum in Mandarin themed “Getting to know the Buddha” <遇见佛陀 >.  The forum will feature prominent speakers Venerable Changzao, the Superintendent of Dharma Drum Mountain Malaysia, and Bro. Wong Choon Tatt, leader of the Bodhi Musical Group of Kuala Lumpur; the session will be moderated by Bro. Aggaphala Yap.

The programme is in line with Nalanda’s Wesak theme this year, which is “Buddha – Our Teacher & Refuge” <佛陀 – 伟大的导师及皈依处 >.  The forum will explore personal encounters and experiences of the speakers in their spiritual path, and how they got to know the Buddha better.

Interested participants should send an e-mail to with your name in (1) English and (2) Mandarin, together with your (3) contact numbers.  Participation is free, and all are welcome to register!  Thank you.