Gimhāna Period Begins

Gimhāna Period Begins

When the Buddha attained Enlightenment on the full-moon day of Vesakhā month (in May), He contemplated on the Dhamma for the next forty-nine days in the vicinity of the Bodhi Tree.  He then walked for another seven days from Uruvela to the deer park near Sarnath, where He preached the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta on Asalha Day, the full-moon in July to His first five disciples.

In this same period, Nalanda observes the ‘Gimhāna Period’ annually by committing to a period of relatively intensive Dhamma learning and practice.  This year’s retreat carry the theme “Living in Harmony”.  We will discuss aspects of our spiritual practice in cultivating and maintaining healthy states of mind which lead to more wholesome and harmonious relationships with the people around us.  In that way, we also create the conditions for the achievement of well-being and peace.

Join us every Sunday from 29 May to 13 July to explore this theme in accordance with the Buddha’s Teachings. There will also be Uposatha Observance held at Nalanda Centre in the evening service from 8 – 10 pm on the new and full moon days of the months Jeṭṭha and Āsālha.  All are welcome!