Each family was excited to do some service together.
Participants of the Dhamma-Living Camp for Young Adults had the opportunity to connect with nature by joining the ‘Green Warriors’ to enhance Wisdom Park’s landscaping on Saturday 30 September.
The outdoor service took many of the youths out of their comfort zone, but they persevered through the tough work with the support of their Dhamma families. Hard work turned into ‘heart-work’ as campers became more perceptive of others’ needs and put the well-being of others before their own.
Hard work is made easier when we work alongside friends.
Hosts Bro. Ryan and Bro. Dexel leads the warming up.
Warming up and stretching.
Hard work is made easier when we work alongside friends.
Turning the compost which will be used for the trees and shrubs at the campus.
We thank the campers for joining us in rejuvenating the environment at Wisdom Park, so that it may benefit more Dhamma learners in the future. Sadhu anumodana!
Dr. Chen teaches the group about the benefits of compost.
Bro. Louis guides the group at the composting area.
Campers also helped to clean the moss off the walls.
Working together, campers support each other.
Even when work is challenging, the group doesn’t give up.
2 families learned how to improve soil quality at the slopes.
For more photos, please click here.