Good Introduction to Meditation

Good Introduction to Meditation

‘Bhāvanā’, or mental cultivation, plays an important role in the attainment of spiritual progress.

On Saturday 8 March, Bro. Tan conducted an “Introduction to Meditation” practical lesson at NEO Centre Johor Bahru to a capacity crowd. Bro. Tan first explained clearly what the meaning of ‘Dhamma-practice’ is, and how one makes progress therein.

The Buddha’s teaching can be encompassed under three broad aspects – ‘Sīla’ (impeccable morality, truthfulness and virtue), ‘Samadhi’ (the clarity and tranquility of the mind), and ‘Pañña’ (the development of insight, right views, wisdom and realization). ‘Bhāvanā’, or mental cultivation, plays an important role in the attainment of those three aspects.

Bro. Tan encouraged everyone to be 'aware' and take note of our daily actions and activities.

The congregation then practised several short sessions of mental alertness and awareness while sitting and standing. At the end of the evening, Bro. Tan encouraged everyone to take note of our daily actions and activities, and gradually to become aware of our thoughts and feelings, too. It was truly a beneficial introduction to many of us, especially devotees who are totally new, to Buddhist meditation. Sadhu!

Being mentally alert and aware in any posture, even while standing.